Business 2 minute read

Mindfulness for small business - Part 2

In our previous blog we explored the benefits and challenges of running a small business - which has inspired the creation of the Smiling Mind Small Business Program, designed with MYOB to support the wellbeing of small business owners. 

In this article we are going to take a tour of the remaining three sections of the Small Business Program looking at Relationships, Resilience and Sleep. 

Section 3: Relationships 

One of the primary reasons people start a business is for the freedom that comes with being your own boss. However, the reality that many business owners face is that they never really switch-off. Finding the balance between work and home life is one of the greatest challenges for small business owners. Running a business often requires long hours and the undertaking of business related activities after hours. This can blur the boundaries between work and home life and can put a strain on personal relationships. 


Mindfulness can help foster greater self-awareness and self compassion, as well as increased empathy and compassion for others. By cultivating greater awareness of our own needs and emotions, and those of others, we are better able to make choices that align with our values - both as a business owner and as a partner and/or parent. The meditations featured in this section of the Small Business Program focus on helping business owners connect meaningfully with the important people in their life.

A key component of any successful relationship is communication. How well do you listen?

Check out the ‘Are you really listening?’ meditation in the Small Business Program. 

This meditation uses music to help develop mindful listening skills, fundamental to building great relationships in business. It can help you become more present and engaged in your interactions, be it with clients, suppliers, team members or other stakeholders. 

Section 4: Resilience 

Running a small business can be incredibly rewarding but also challenging, unpredictable and at times overwhelming. Resilience - the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adversity - is key to navigating such challenges effectively and being able to thrive in its wake. Put another way, resilience is the ability to bend and not break. This psychological flexibility is an invaluable asset to a small business owner, helping them to traverse the inevitable changing tides and peaks and troughs. 

It is important to note that resilience is not a trait that people either have or don’t have. It involves behaviours, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed. 

The two meditations in this section are designed to help small business owners do just that. 

  1. Building your inner strengths: resilience is key to navigating the challenges of running a small business and being able to thrive in their wake. This practice focuses on building resilience by cultivating the core inner resources of safety, satisfaction and connection.
  2. Becoming your own mentor: Business owners can often be their own harshest critic. This meditation helps develop the ability to turn towards ourselves with warmth and compassion when we are feeling inadequate and overwhelmed


Section 5: Sleep 

Many small business owners report finding it hard to ‘switch off’. This can prove particularly challenging at bedtime and can make getting to sleep a struggle. Mindfulness can assist with falling asleep and can also improve overall sleep quality. Mindfulness also supports the cultivation of acceptance, non-judgment and self-compassion - which can alleviate the distress that can arise during sleeplessness. 

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The meditations featured here invite mindfulness and utilise common relaxation methods such as guided imagery, deep breathing and listening to soundscapes. They can be done in bed and will help you build healthy mental habits for a better night's sleep.

Check out the Breathe meditation. The breath is our body’s natural tranquilizer. This meditation uses the breath to help you wind-down from a busy day of work. It is best listened to when laying in bed ready to go to sleep. 

So there you have it! The Smiling Mind Small Business Program and the mindfulness practices that can help you manage feelings of stress, anxiety and overwhelm and to support your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

And best of all it’s FREE to use in the Smiling Mind app thanks to our friends at MYOB.

You can find the Small Business Program in the ‘At Work’ section of our free app.

Smiling Mind

Written by Smiling Mind


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