Smiling Mind Blog

4 Steps To Achieving Your Work Goals in 2022

Written by Smiling Mind | February 7, 2022

Many of us have returned from a break over the holiday period feeling refreshed and ready to face whatever the year throws at us! 

However the start of 2022 may seem like an episode of deja vu, with most of the corporate world back at the desks either in the office or remotely, there is no better time to think ahead, and start outlining some work goals for the year ahead.

Goal setting, or planning in general, may seem more difficult this year, with the next twelve months being somewhat unpredictable, as we continue to work through the pandemic. However, there are ways to cope with the uncertainty. This year, by setting some targets to work towards, no matter how big or small, it’s time to celebrate every win and every success, no matter the size.

Setting measurable, achievable, and timely goals is the key to keeping both yourself and your team motivated. 

 Reasonable goals and targets give your workplace something to collectively aim for, and be inspired by.

Setting goals will increase your teams’ self-esteem, feeling of autonomy, confidence, and motivation. 

To help you and your team start the work year off on the right foot, we have rounded up 4 Tips to help your work team achieve their 2022 goals. 

1. Get inspired.

Goal setting should be fun and creative, not stressful or pressurized. By encouraging your team to develop goals (both for themselves and the team more broadly), you allow them to set their targets and have fun with the exercise in general. Goals allow us to dream and help us to see the bigger picture – which is exciting and essential during this time of uncertainty.

2. Work together. 

By working with your team to create goals that work for both of you, you encourage them to create goals that they want to strive for, rather than just setting targets that they have no input in and no incentive to strive towards.

By encouraging them to be involved in the goal-setting process, you are placing autonomy and accountability of their targets into their own hands, which will encourage them to work better, smarter, and harder, to successfully reach their goals and reap the rewards of meeting their targets.

3. Record goals

It might seem obvious, but taking note of the goals you and your team set by putting pen to paper, and keeping these goals somewhere visible so that your team can see them in the workplace every day, will act as a constant reminder and reinforce the importance of striving to achieve these goals.

Better yet, if your team has trackable and traceable goals, set up a visual tracker so that they can see a visual representation of their progress.

4. Create an environment and attitude that supports staff and their goals.

In 2021, Smiling Mind found that the quality of our work, along with other factors such as sleep and relationships, has a large impact on how we cope with everyday life and positively support our mental health and wellbeing. Encourage your team to prioritise both their mental and physical health by creating positive habits and engaging in helpful activities, such as practising mindfulness using the free Smiling Mind app. This will generate the best possible environment and circumstances and arm your team with the right tools, attitude, and mindset to reach their goals.

Set your team up for success in 2022 with our leading Workplace Program.  Get in touch with our team today to discuss opportunities for your business.